Examples of use and application of the Nature Futures Framework

The Nature Futures Framework has been applied at in many ways. To illustrate different ways that people have used the Nature Futures Framework and to aid its application and development, we have organized a set of examples of the applications of the Nature Futures Framework in six overlapping categories: exploration, classification, translation, development of scenarios, developing models, and discussion.

Exploration tool

Application of the Nature Futures Framework to a system or problem setting to ‘open up’ for more plural perspectives on nature, and identify diverse values of interest, associated indicators and/or relevant data for monitoring.

Unsplash/Rogean James Caleffi

Resende et al. (2020) used the NFF perspectives to identify different values associated with the water-related ecosystem services in the Brazilian Cerrado.


Mansur et al. (2022) developed an adapted form of the NFF for urban systems, exploring the potential for developing alternative visions and scenarios for the management of nature in cities.

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Classification tool

Use of the Nature Futures Framework perspectives as a topology for classification and assessment of information.

Diprose et al. (2022) used the NFF to make visible the diverse values around nature that are expressed and fostered through the New Zealand Garden Bird Survey.

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Translating scenarios

Use of the Nature Futures Framework to interpret and translate existing scenarios, for i) classification, assessment and cross-comparison of existing scenarios, or ii) adapting and augmenting existing scenarios into Nature Futures Framework scenarios.

Quintero‐Uribe et al. (2022) used the NFF to assess how participatory scenarios for restoring European landscapes depict the future of nature.

Unsplash/Patrick Perkins

Alexander et al. (2023) mapped the shared socio-economic pathways onto the NFF at a global scale, identifying the extent to which the more pluralistic framings of the NFF are considered within global environmental assessments’ scenario framings.

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Developing visions and scenarios

Use of the Nature Futures Framework in the development of visions, pathways and narratives. Fully fledged, integrated nature futures scenarios are yet to be developed.

Rana et al. (2020) used the NFF to capture the voices of youth in visions of positive futures for nature and people.

Dou et al. (2023) used the NFF as a lens for developing plural land use scenarios for Europe for 2050.

Unsplash/Julien de Salaberry

Durán et al. (2023) provide an example of how the NFF can be implemented for the development of illustrative narratives representing a diversity of desirable nature futures.

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Adapting and developing models

Use of the Nature Futures Framework to assess model availability, and inspire repurposing or development of new models to explicitly multiple nature value perspectives.

Haga et al. (2023) modelled desirable futures at local scale by combining the NFF and multi-objective optimisation.

Unsplash/Spurwing Agency

Kramer et al. (2023) explore how the NFF may be implemented for improved assessment and modelling of freshwater ecosystems.

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Discussing the Nature Futures Framework

Uses of the Nature Futures Framework to position new work such as concepts, theories or methods, e.g. to explain the relationship with the Nature Futures Framework or to inform its further development.

Greenway (2022) argues that the NFF needs to engage with ‘new materialism thinking’ to help establish harmonious river-human relationships.

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