Building a community of practice
The idea from this website came from a group of scientists who are helped create and develop the Nature Futures Framework as members of the IPBES Expert Group or Task Force on Scenarios and Models.
The current version of the website is a beta version. It aims to organize and communicate what the Nature Futures Framework is and could be, and develop a community of practice to connect the various people who are using or are interested in using it.
Ultimately this site aims to help people develop new models and scenarios of that explore futures in which people live in harmony with Nature from a variety of value perspectives. This website is not connected to IPBES, but one of our goals is to support the future work of IPBES.
This website was developed by Prof. Garry Peterson, from the Stockholm Resilience Centre at Stockholm University, and Georgia Penrose a research assistant there. It is based on the work of the IPBES task force, and builds and connects the work of a diverse group of scientists who have applied the NFF, and particularly the community page on the Nature Futures Framework on the Biosphere Futures website.
As a beta version, we hope to learn from and improve this website. Our aim is to establish another version of this website in 2025. Therefore we would welcome suggestions, requests, or especially interest in collaboration. Please contact us at: